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  • February 16, 2019 1 min read 0 Comments

    All good things must come to and end....and be replaced with something way better! A couple of days ago, we launched a beautiful new duo fragrance selection for you. It's another step in our master plan to fuel our fragrance fans with a versatile collection for every season and occasion.

    You may have noticed us introducing new heavy note hitters for your collection in the past few months. We added Shaghaf Oud Aswad to make available an incense infused fragrance, Swiss Musk in spray form as a stand-along or for layering, Oud Maknoon the heavy weight champ of the Fall/Winter season.

    And with this major release, we're bringing it all together. Our fans have been asking for fresh and everyday/season wear fragrance and we listened. Introducing the new Wild Spirit and Pure Instinct Duo.